Why is the search for a repository taking so long? Miranda Schreurs, co-chair of the National Citizens’ Oversight Committee, criticizes the ongoing delays and calls for more transparency. A new report predicts that the search will not end until 2074.
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How can we sensibly regulate artificial intelligence? At the newly founded AI Forum in Zurich, Prof. Urs Gasser spoke about the challenge that legislation often lags behind technological developments.
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How are the AfD and BSW shaping the political climate in Thuringia and Saxony? In a podcast, Dr. Hagen Schölzel analyses the recent state elections and sheds light on the challenges of forming a government.
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How well do we understand the medium-term risks of artificial intelligence? In a guest article in the FAZ, Prof. Urs Gasser sheds light on why these are often overlooked and what serious costs we could face.
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How do we regain lost trust in democracy? Can artificial intelligence help? Prof. Simon Hegelich takes a critical stance in an Arte report and underlines the importance of human decision-making processes for our society.
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How much longer can we postpone the search for a nuclear repository? The delays pose a threat to our security and democracy. Prof Miranda Schreurs therefore urges us to hurry and calls for solutions to be discussed publicly.
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For years, a repository for highly radioactive nuclear waste has been sought in Germany. Now, according to a study, it could take even longer to finalize a location—until 2074.
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By 2031, Germany must find a site for its nuclear waste repository. However, a document that was initially kept under wraps indicates that the search will likely take much longer. The authorities are responding with a shrug. [ger]
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The handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has so far played a subtle role in Sahra Wagenknecht’s new party. This is changing now. BSW health expert Pürner is calling for COVID-19 investigation committees and wants to collaborate with the AfD to achieve this.
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How impressionable are we really? A TUM study shows that Russian propaganda about the war in Ukraine has little success on social media. The decisive factor is whether people are generally susceptible to conspiracy theories.
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