General Information on the Practice Project Module
Definition of the Practice Project according to § 37a Abs. 1 Satz 2 FPSO:
"… consists of a project work, which includes active participation in a practical or research project related to the contents of the study program, and is concluded with a project report."
Duration of the Practice Project
Full-time study program: 3 months (§37a Abs. 1 Satz 3 FPSO), 35-40 hours/week
Part-time study program: 4,5 months (§49 Abs. 3 Satz 4 FPSO), 23-27 hours/week
Supervision of the Practice Project
The supervision can be carried out by qualified examiners from the Hochschule für Politik München (HfP) or the Technical University of Munich (TUM) (§37a Abs. 2 FPSO):
- Professors from the Hochschule für Politik München or the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
- Professors from other schools of the Technical University of Munich who teach in the Political Science program
- Research assistants who teach in the Political Science program and meet the requirements of the university examiner regulations as applicable
Please discuss the supervision process with your supervisor in advance. Regular communication is essential to ensure that you are on the right track and achieving the desired learning outcomes.
Assessment of the Practice Project
The Practice Project module is concluded with a project report. The content of the report should be discussed with your supervisor. The module is assessed as a study achievement and graded as "pass" or "fail." You will earn 18 ECTS for the Practice Project module.
Registration for the Practice Project Module
1. Find a position (practical or research project) related to the contents of the study program
2. Take note of the weekly working hours
3. Find a supervisor
4. Sign a registration form (Downloadbereich)
5. Send the registration form to the Examinations and Grades Administration Office at HfP (pruefungsverwaltung.stm(at)
6. You will receive a confirmation of your Practice Project registration by email
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