Staff Council
The Staff Council represents the academic and nonacademic employees of the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy vis-à-vis their department heads in accordance with the Bavarian Staff Representation Act.
The Staff Council works to ensure that applicable laws, collective agreements, regulations, service agreements, and administrative orders are implemented for employees in their best interests.
On November 8, 2022, the following members were elected to the Staff Council of the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy:
- Ms. Flora Beka
phone.: +49 89 907793 059
E-mail: personalrat(at)
- Mr. Leonhard Hummel
E-mail: personalrat(at)
Mr. Leonhard Hummel was elected as Chairman at the constituent meeting of the Staff Council on November 21, 2022.
Equal Opportunity
The Munich School of Politics and Public Policy is a cosmopolitan institution and is committed to equality for all its members.
The Women's Representative represents the equal opportunity concerns of the employees to the management of the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy and participates in the implementation of the equal opportunitiy plans.
The equality plans of the TUM, which are applied at the HfP analogously, can be found here.
On February 21, 2022, Janina Steinert was elected by the Senate as the Women's Representative of the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy for a three-year term.
- Prof. Dr. Janina Steinert
phone: +49 89 907793 321
E-mail: janina.steinert(at)
- Ivana Jurik (deputy)
phone: +49 907793 074
E-mail: ivana.jurik(at)