- Cyber Resilience Act: CRA Kommentar. C.H.Beck (1. edn.), 2025 more…
- Recent Public Transport Fare Policy Innovations in Germany: Insights from a Year-long GPS-Tracking Study. Presentation at the Workshop on Mobility Transitions in Europe Perspectives from Munich, Brussels, and Vienna, TUM, Munich, 2024 more…
- German “Energiewende” and the Role of the EU - are Misfits an Achilles Heel of the Energy Transition in Germany? SSRN, 2024, more…
- Datennutzung im European Health Data Space Chancen und Risiken für Forschung und Innovation – BAdW-Tagungsbericht und Handlungsempfehlungen. BAdW, 2024, more…
- Der „Digital Power Gap“ des Arbeitskreis Digitales. Junge Wissenschaft im Öffentlichen Recht, JuWissBlog Nr. 2/2024 v. 11.01.2024 (Berlin) , 2024, more…
In the course of technological progress, politics and society are confronted with increasingly complex challenges.
TUM Think Tank
At our newly created think tank, we meet the social challenges of tomorrow with innovative formats and creative solutions.
Unique history and profile
Bringing Politics & Technology Together
Politics, democracy and political science are facing major challenges: As a result of rapid developments, technological issues now play a significant, often the decisive, role in almost all fields of politics.
Anchored in a unique founding history of strengthening democratic education in post-war Germany, the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy has been an independent institution at the Technical University of Munich since 2014.
The associated integration of technical and natural sciences into political science and political dialogue has produced an internationally unique educational offering.
Numerous specialized professorships devote their research, teaching and knowledge transfer to current political issues, complex international interdependencies and the social opportunities and challenges in dealing with future technologies.