Fächerübergreifender Studienanteil "Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance" im M.Sc. Politics & Technology im WS 2024/5
Fächerübergreifender Studienanteil "Urban Mobility & Energy" im M.Sc. Politics & Technology im WS 2024/5
Fächerübergreifender Studienanteil "Economics & Policy" im M.Sc. Politics & Technology im WS 2024/5
Modul-Nr. | Modultitel | Modulverantwortliche*r | Credits | Sprache(n) |
WIB01811 | Advanced Seminar Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Current Issues in Technology Management | Joachim Henkel | 6 | EN |
MGT001409 | Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management:: Digital Transformation in Companies - Five Modules for Successful Change | Jürgen Ernstberger | 6 | EN |
AR30380 | Advanced Topic: Publics & Participation | Silke Beck | 5 | EN |
WZ2755 | Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre | Johannes Sauer | 3 | DE |
WI001111 | Applied Strategy and Organization: Strategies for international Corporations | Isabell M. Welpe | 6 | EN |
MGT001410 | ChangeMakers: Entrepreneurial and Design Competencies for Societal Transformation | Anne Tryba | 6 | EN |
WI001291 | Competition Law and Entrepreneurial Strategies | Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt | 6 | EN |
WI000739 | Consumer Behavior | Jutta Roosen | 6 | EN |
ED120048 | Discovering Heritage | N.N. | 6 | EN |
WI000021_E | Economics I - Microeconomics | Sebastian Schwenen | 6 | EN |
IN9050 | Einführung in das Datenschutzrecht | Prof. Dr. Alexander Pretschner | 5 | DE |
WI000946 | Energy Markets I | David Wozabal | 6 | EN |
WI000984 | Entrepreneurship | Nicola Breugst | 3 | EN |
WI000969 | Entrepreneurship for Students of Information Systems | Oliver Alexy | 3 | EN |
WI001217 | Geheimnisschutz | Christoph Ann | 3 | DE, EN |
AR30376 | Gender Studies in Architecture | N.N. | 6 | DE, EN |
CH0136 | Grundlagen des Patentrechts | N.N. | 3 | DE |
MGT001435 | Impact Entrepreneurship for Transformational Change | Oliver Alexy | 9 | DE, EN |
MGT001347 | Innovation Facilitator | Oliver Alexy | 6 | EN |
WZ0027 | Innovationen für Agrarsysteme | Johannes Sauer | 5 | DE |
WI000285 | Innovative Entrepreneurs - Leadership of High-Tech Companies | Helmut Schönenberger | 3 | EN |
WI001114 | International Management | Thomas Hutzschenreuter | 3 | EN |
WI001121 | International Management & Organizational Behavior | Hugo Kehr | 6 | DE, EN |
WI001122 | Introduction to Business Law (MiM) | Philipp Maume | 6 | EN |
MGT001299 | Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning | Maximilian Schiffer | 6 | EN |
WZ1822 | Introduction to Economics and Business Ethics | N.N. | 5 | EN |
MGT001368 | Models in the study of human behavior | Thorsten Pachur | 6 | EN |
WI001071 | Patente und Geheimnisschutz | Christoph Ann | 6 | DE, EN |
WI001218 | Patentschutz | Christoph Ann | 3 | DE, EN |
CLA21114 | Perspektiven der Technikfolgenabschätzung | N.N. | 2 | DE |
WI001056_1 | Principles of Economics | Christian Feilcke | 6 | EN |
MW0102 | Produktionsergonomie | Klaus Bengler | 5 | DE |
MGT001443 | Project Week 2024/25: Conflicts in Mining Critical Materials: Compromising in Sustainability Strategies | Svetlana Ikonnikova | 4 | EN |
MGT001446 | Project week: Behavioral Economics and the Circular Economy | Alwine Mohnen | 6 | EN |
CIT6430001 | Projektwoche 1000+ | Prof. Dr. Oliver Hayden | 2 | DE, EN |
IN9010 | Seminar Wissenschaft und Ethik | Prof. Dr. Michael Georg Bader | 4 | DE, EN |
MW1010 | Seminar für Produktionsmanagement | Michael Zäh | 4 | DE |
POL70073 | Societal Impact, Ethics | Marc Strotmann | 5 | EN |
SG8000160 | Sponsorship-linked Marketing (Online-course) | Jörg Königstorfer | 6 | EN |
BGU70005 | Transportation Economics | Constantinos Antoniou | 6 | EN |
POL70044 | Unternehmensethik | Christoph Lütge | 3 | DE, EN |
WZ1561 | Value Chain Economics | Luisa Menapace | 6 | EN |
MGT001317 | World Trade Law | Christoph Ann | 6 | EN |
Fächerübergreifender Studienanteil "Digital Economy" im M.Sc. Politics & Technology im WS 2024/5
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Further possible elective modules for the interdisciplinary area of the program can be found in your study tree (curriculum support) in TUMonline.
In addition, further elective modules at TUM for the interdisciplinary area are possible: Please send an informal request via email, stating the module number, the respective module description and the reason why the applied module would be important for your qualification profile to Ms. Jurik - ivana.jurik(at)hfp.tum.de