Fächerübergreifender Studienanteil "Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance" im M.Sc. Politics & Technology im WS 2024/5
Fächerübergreifender Studienanteil "Urban Mobility & Energy" im M.Sc. Politics & Technology im WS 2024/5
Fächerübergreifender Studienanteil "Economics & Policy" im M.Sc. Politics & Technology im WS 2024/5
Modul-Nr. | Modultitel | Modulverantwortliche*r | Credits | Sprache(n) |
WIB01811 | Advanced Seminar Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Current Issues in Technology Management | Joachim Henkel | 6 | EN |
MGT001409 | Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management:: Digital Transformation in Companies - Five Modules for Successful Change | Jürgen Ernstberger | 6 | EN |
AR30380 | Advanced Topic: Publics & Participation | Silke Beck | 5 | EN |
WZ2755 | Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre | Johannes Sauer | 3 | DE |
WI001111 | Applied Strategy and Organization: Strategies for international Corporations | Isabell M. Welpe | 6 | EN |
MGT001410 | ChangeMakers: Entrepreneurial and Design Competencies for Societal Transformation | Anne Tryba | 6 | EN |
WI001291 | Competition Law and Entrepreneurial Strategies | Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt | 6 | EN |
WI000739 | Consumer Behavior | Jutta Roosen | 6 | EN |
ED120048 | Discovering Heritage | N.N. | 6 | EN |
WI000021_E | Economics I - Microeconomics | Sebastian Schwenen | 6 | EN |
IN9050 | Einführung in das Datenschutzrecht | Prof. Dr. Alexander Pretschner | 5 | DE |
WI000946 | Energy Markets I | David Wozabal | 6 | EN |
WI000984 | Entrepreneurship | Nicola Breugst | 3 | EN |
WI000969 | Entrepreneurship for Students of Information Systems | Oliver Alexy | 3 | EN |
WI001217 | Geheimnisschutz | Christoph Ann | 3 | DE, EN |
AR30376 | Gender Studies in Architecture | N.N. | 6 | DE, EN |
CH0136 | Grundlagen des Patentrechts | N.N. | 3 | DE |
MGT001435 | Impact Entrepreneurship for Transformational Change | Oliver Alexy | 9 | DE, EN |
MGT001347 | Innovation Facilitator | Oliver Alexy | 6 | EN |
WZ0027 | Innovationen für Agrarsysteme | Johannes Sauer | 5 | DE |
WI000285 | Innovative Entrepreneurs - Leadership of High-Tech Companies | Helmut Schönenberger | 3 | EN |
WI001114 | International Management | Thomas Hutzschenreuter | 3 | EN |
WI001121 | International Management & Organizational Behavior | Hugo Kehr | 6 | DE, EN |
WI001122 | Introduction to Business Law (MiM) | Philipp Maume | 6 | EN |
MGT001299 | Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning | Maximilian Schiffer | 6 | EN |
WZ1822 | Introduction to Economics and Business Ethics | N.N. | 5 | EN |
MGT001368 | Models in the study of human behavior | Thorsten Pachur | 6 | EN |
WI001071 | Patente und Geheimnisschutz | Christoph Ann | 6 | DE, EN |
WI001218 | Patentschutz | Christoph Ann | 3 | DE, EN |
CLA21114 | Perspektiven der Technikfolgenabschätzung | N.N. | 2 | DE |
WI001056_1 | Principles of Economics | Christian Feilcke | 6 | EN |
MW0102 | Produktionsergonomie | Klaus Bengler | 5 | DE |
MGT001443 | Project Week 2024/25: Conflicts in Mining Critical Materials: Compromising in Sustainability Strategies | Svetlana Ikonnikova | 4 | EN |
MGT001446 | Project week: Behavioral Economics and the Circular Economy | Alwine Mohnen | 6 | EN |
CIT6430001 | Projektwoche 1000+ | Prof. Dr. Oliver Hayden | 2 | DE, EN |
IN9010 | Seminar Wissenschaft und Ethik | Prof. Dr. Michael Georg Bader | 4 | DE, EN |
MW1010 | Seminar für Produktionsmanagement | Michael Zäh | 4 | DE |
POL70073 | Societal Impact, Ethics | Marc Strotmann | 5 | EN |
SG8000160 | Sponsorship-linked Marketing (Online-course) | Jörg Königstorfer | 6 | EN |
BGU70005 | Transportation Economics | Constantinos Antoniou | 6 | EN |
POL70044 | Unternehmensethik | Christoph Lütge | 3 | DE, EN |
WZ1561 | Value Chain Economics | Luisa Menapace | 6 | EN |
MGT001317 | World Trade Law | Christoph Ann | 6 | EN |
Fächerübergreifender Studienanteil "Digital Economy" im M.Sc. Politics & Technology im WS 2024/5