The Professorship of Policy Analysis offers innovative, interdisciplinary as well as problem-oriented teaching formats at the interface of policy, sustainability and technology.
Teaching concept
For us, the university is the place where students can actively and comprehensively gain academic qualifications and further education in accordance with Humboldt’s ideal of education. The core goals of our teaching can be summarized in four points:
- In addition to imparting specialist knowledge, our teaching activities should help to improve the analytical skills of the students (ability to criticize and judge).
- Practicing scientific work techniques (methodological competence, research techniques, time management, teamwork, etc.) should characterize our teaching just as much as the practical imparting of content.
- Our teaching activities are intended to guide and motivate the students to initiate and continuously expand self-directed learning processes.
- Our events should offer enough space for open discussion in which as many participants as possible can actively participate. The core idea is to convey to the students that this is “their course” and that they can (help) shape it to their own advantage through active participation.
Through the varied use of different teaching methods and instruments (e.g. free writing exercises, group work, discussions, expert surveys, business and role-playing games, dealing with real-world challenges, feedback rounds or self-evaluation exercises), we aim to create a balance between phases of superficial and in-depth learning in the courses and to involve as many students as possible.