Felix Kurz joined the Professorship of Policy Analysis at TU Munich as a researcher in the DFG project "Mission Orientation and Innovation Clusters" in February 2022.
His methodological focus is on computer-aided data analysis focusing on quesions related in sustainable research, development and innovation.
Before joining the Professorship for Policy Analysis, Felix completed a master's degree in empirical politics and social research at the University of Stuttgart and worked as a research assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO in the research areas Sustainable Research & Development and Advanced System Engineering. The topic of his master's thesis dealt with predictors for digital transformation within the European Union. He studied politics and administrative sciences at the University of Konstanz for his bachelor's degree.
Felix gained practical experience at Bosch Packaging Services, the municipal administration of Rangendingen and at the consulting company for development cooperation FAKT, among others.