Politics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence

Project description
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a topic that is only discussed in narrow technical or economic circles, but has long since arrived in our everyday lives: Whether chatbots in communication with companies or the administration, voice assistants and vacuum robots in the home, algorithmic decision-making systems in the recruitment of employees or autonomously acting production robots in the workplace, artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in the way we communicate, live and work.
Within the framework of the professorship's research, we deal with different questions of socio-political negotiation processes as well as political control in relation to AI-based technologies. In this context, we examine the positions of political parties, actor constellations and parliamentary debates or the use of governance instruments, among other things, for the Federal Republic of Germany as well as from a comparative perspective.
Selected publications
- König, Pascal D., Stefan Wurster & Markus B. Siewert. Consumers Are Willing to Pay a Price for Explainable, But Not for Green AI. Preprint July 2021. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3890774.
- Siewert, Markus B., Benedikte Eiden, Stefan Wurster & Pascal. D. König. Wer hat den Schlüssel zur Schlüsseltechnologie? Ein Vergleich der Parteiprofile im Themenfeld Künstliche Intelligenz vor der Bundestagswahl 2021. Politik & Kommunikation. https://www.politik-kommunikation.de/ressorts/artikel/wer-hat-den-schluessel-zur-schluesseltechnologie-1821376773.