Project seminar "Digital Sustainability Transformation of, by, and for the TUM"
In the project-based seminar, students can work on their ideas and initiate their own projects for a more sustainable, digital TUM. The course offers a wide range of topics from which the students can choose: For example, individual elements in the TUM's sustainability assessment can be addressed and concrete solutions for the various TUM locations can be developed. Or projects on digital sustainability transformation can be implemented together with partners from business and society in line with the idea of service learning. Accordingly, one explicit goal is to work with local actors and stakeholders to identify possible needs in the area of sustainable digitization or sustainability through digital technologies and to work together on concrete solutions and applications at the various TUM locations.
The students are actively supported by our team in the planning and implementation process of their projects, whereby the seminar not only offers plenty of room for initiative and creativity, but also for mutual exchange and peer-to-peer feedback.
The focus of the first session is on getting to know each other and initiating a group formation process. In addition, we would like to work together on an introduction to the topics of sustainable and digital transformation through, for and with universities and develop initial project ideas.
The project seminar takes place at the following times online via Zoom.
- Friday, 16 April 2021; 9:30 am - 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
- Saturday, 17 April 2021; 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
On Friday evening, a voluntary social online get-together is planned from 8:00 pm so that students and the project team can exchange ideas and get to know each other outside the seminar context.
The second session serves the (further) development of possible project ideas and the constitution of groups that want to work together on a project over the semester. In addition, there is the opportunity to talk to student initiators at TUM and other universities and to exchange ideas about the opportunities and potentials as well as existing pitfalls and barriers with regard to transformative project work.
The project seminar takes place at the following times online via Zoom.
- Friday, 23 April 2021; 9:30 am - 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
- Saturday, 24 April 2021; 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
On the third session we would like to deal with different strategies of project management. In doing so, basic elements of the project work are taught and newer approaches to agile project management are presented, tried out and applied to the own project development of the groups.
The project seminar takes place at the following times online via Zoom.
- Friday, 14 May 2021; 9:30 am - 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
- Saturday, 15 May 2021; 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
The fourth session is at the center of the project presentation: Here the project groups should pitch their first ideas! There are no limits to the way of presentation - for example poster session, presentation or storyboard, video clip, etc. In addition to peer-to-peer feedback, Tobias Michl, Sustainability Officer at TUM and other cooperation partners will also comment on the presented ideas and provide suggestions for further development. The presentations thus represent a first milestone for further project work.
The project seminar takes place at the following times online via Zoom.
- Friday, 25 June 2021; 9:30 am - 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm