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New book co-edited by Markus Siewert offering interdisciplinary perspectives on education for sustainable development

The book contains a set of very different analytical and practical perspectives on education for sustainable development (ESD). Among other issues, it addresses topics linked to urban mobility, critical theory and ESD, museums and ESD, or university governance towards sustainable development. The…

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New publication by HfP Master student Friederike Suhr and Professor Janina Steinert in BMC Public Health: "Epidemiology of foods in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of health outcomes"

Floods have affected 2.3 billion people worldwide in the last 20 years, and are associated with a wide range of negative health outcomes. Climate change is projected to increase the number of people exposed to floods due to more variable precipitation and rising sea levels. This systematic review…

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New article by Dr. Chase Foster in Socio-Economic Review

In a recent publication, Varieties of neoliberalism: courts, competition paradigms and the Atlantic divide in antitrust, Dr. Chase Foster uses comparative case studies of antitrust policy in Europe and the United States to explore the role of courts in developing the policy paradigms used by…

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Süddeutsche Zeitung interviewt Dr. Cindy Cheng und Luca Messerschmidt zum Forschungsprojekt CoronaNet.

Dr. Cindy Cheng und Luca Messerschmidt vom Lehrstuhl für Internationale Beziehungen (Prof. Tim Büthe) sprechen mit der Süddeutschen Zeitung darüber, wie das CoronaNet Research Project (https://www.coronanet-project.org), die weltweit größte Datenbank zur COVID-19-Regierungspolitik, entstanden ist…

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New article out by Markus Siewert and co-authors in CPS

In their paper Conceptualizing and Measuring Citizens’ Preferences for Democracy Markus B. Siewert together with Pascal König (TU Kaiserslautern / Harvard University) and Kathrin Ackermann (Heidelberg University) provide a systematic review of 30 years of research on citizen attitudes towards…

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New publication by Prof. Paula

Prof. Katrin Paula, together with Prof. Sabine Carey (University of Mannheim) and Prof. Neil Mitchell (UCL) published a new article “The Life, Death and Diversity of Pro-Government Militias: The Fully Revised Pro-Government Militias Database Version 2.0.” in Research & Politics 9(1). The data are…

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CfP: HfP-Professor*innen richten Dreiländertagung IPE/IPÖ aus

Die HfP-Professor*innen Amy Pond, Timm Betz und Tim Büthe werden vom 20. bis 22. Juni 2022 die erste Drei-Länder-Tagung Internationale Politische Ökonomie am Akademiezentrum der TUM in Raitenhaslach ausrichten. Interessenten, die auf der Konferenz, die unter der gemeinsamen Schirmherrschaft der…

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European Research Council fördert Timm Betz mit einem ERC Starting Grant

Der European Research Council fördert Timm Betz mit einem ERC Starting Grant für sein Project "Politics, Institutions, and Production Networks." Die renommierten ERC Grants fördern innovative Forschungsprojekte für einen Zeitraum von bis zu fünf Jahren mit einer Summe von bis zu 1,5 Millionen Euro.

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Project Study Call: Research Internship with the CoronaNet Research Project

The Chair for International Relations (Prof. Dr. Tim Büthe) invites applications for research internships for three and a half months, full time (or seven months part time). The research internships count for the 18 ECTS internship requirement for the HfP M.Sc. degree.  Interns will contribute to…

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New research article by Prof. Wurster, Dr. Siewert and Dr. König in Big Data & Society

Prof. Wurster, Dr. Siewert and Dr. Pascal D König published an new research article with the title “Consumers are willing to pay a price for explainable, but not for green AI. Evidence from a choice-based conjoint analysis” in  Big Data & Society. A major challenge with the increasing use of…