
Simon Hegelich is discussing Facebook's take down of "Querdenken" Pages

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Associated Press (AP) wrote a story on the take down of a network of pages related to the "Querdenken"-Movement in Germany. Simon Hegelich is arguing that - independent from the question of fake news - this has to be seen as a political intervention by Facebook and that Germany might be a test case.
The story has been published among others by "ABC News" (https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/big-delete-inside-facebooks-crackdown-germany-80273714), "Euro NEWS" (https://www.euronews.com/next/2021/09/28/facebook-trialled-a-new-content-policy-during-the-german-elections), "Aljazeera" (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/28/the-big-delete-inside-facebooks-crackdown-in-germany), and "The National Herald" (https://www.thenationalherald.com/archive_general_news_greece/arthro/the_big_delete_inside_facebook_s_crackdown_in_germany-3321885/)