
Professorship of Policy Analysis receives the leadership for first EuroTeQ Collider 2022 on "Leave no waste behind"

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There is a new teaching project at the Professorship for Policy Analysis funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. With the first EuroTeQ Collider 2022Prof. Dr. Stefan Wurster raised funds for this high-level series of events, which will be coordinated by Veronica Becker. Back in the fall of 2021, TUM joined forces with six leading scientific and technical universities to promote the European spirit in a EuroTeQ format and support innovative engineering education across Europe. Within the framework of the Europe-wide   EuroTeQ Collider 2022, interdisciplinary project groups are to work on problems relating to the topic of "Leave no waste behind".

The way we live today generates a lot of waste. Many initiatives are aware of this fact and try to stop this trend and reduce the amount of waste left behind by humankind. Nevertheless, there is still a lot to do! Waste is everywhere, in not only the use of packaging, the overuse of natural resources, the non-use of surpluses or the non-management of certain types of waste. It also results from the non-optimization of certain processes (energy losses in electricity generation, efficiency of extraction of certain materials), from our inability to find sustainable alternatives or to consume differently (buy instead of repair). The process of waste reduction has just begun. As part of the EuroTeQ Collider 2022, solutions for resulting challenges should be developed.