EuroTeQ Collider Sommer 2023
Eine erfolgreiche Runde für die TUM
Wir sind hocherfreut, dass sich unsere TUM Teams auch auf europäischer Ebene durchsetzen konnten und zwei der insgesamt drei Gewinnerteams des EuroTeQaThons von der TUM stammen!
Das große Finale des EuroTeQaThons fand am 12.06.2023 statt und wurde live übertragen.
- Impressionen EuroTeQaThon: hier
- Livestream finale Präsentationen auf europäischer Ebene, Abschlusszeremonie und die Bekanntgabe der Gesamtsieger: hier
Nach den lokalen Collider Projektwochen, die jeweils unabhängig voneinander an den sechs EuroTeQ Universitäten durchgeführt werden, erhalten drei Gewinnerteams einer jeden Universtität eine Einladung zum EuroTeQaThon, der diesmal vom 10.- 12. Juni 2023 an der CTU in Prag statt fand. Während der finalen Präsentationen auf TUM Ebene am 02. Juni 2023, konnten sich folgende Teams durchsetzen und qualifizierten sich damit für den EuroTeQaThon.
Challenge Collaborator
Susanne Grohs-von Reichenbach - Founder of Think Digital Green, Digital Business Innovator, Expert for Storytelling
Eslam Shoaala – Workday GmbH - Software Engineer, M.Sc Politics and Technology
Waste Challenge
Software Greengineer. Empower the People Who Shape The Digital World Day by Day.
Software developers need to become aware of the waste (energy) generated by their codes in order to use bestpractices to reduce the environmental footprint of their final product (Desktop and web applications, mobile apps, games, robots, operating systems, network systems, etc).
About the Students' Solution
We created an all-in-one online course, which is informing software developers on the principles of sustainability, and the contribution of the software industry in the world’s carbon footprint by measuring it with the help of various footprint calculators. Moreover, we add sustainable practices for their professional life and show them solutions, which can be implemented relatively quick.
More Information
All information about the waste challenge here
All information about the student solutions here.
Challenge Collaborator
Nishant Tiku from The Himalayan Institute of Alternatives, Ladakh in collaboration with Dr. Arch. Pamela Durán Díaz from the TUM Centre of Land, Water and Environmental Risk Management
Waste Challenge
The toxic trail of tourism: the highest dumpster in the himalayas
Management of plastic waste generated by the massive influx of tourists in the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, India which has a severe negative impact on the environment and local population.
About the Students' Solution
We are promoting a holistic waste management solution focusing on the collection and recycling of plastic waste to create a circular economy model for plastic in Ladakh. By recycling plastic waste into construction bricks for insulated housing we are adressing three problems with one solution: The plastic waste problem, the demand for insulated housing material, and the unemployment rate. Further benefit is delivered to the local population by incentivizing them to collect plastic waste with a government buyback scheme for plastic waste that presents an attractive source for income and is financed through a waste tax for tourists.
More Information
All information about the waste challenge in the video here.
All information about the student solutions here.
Challenge Collaborator
Nathalie Albersmeyer, The Westwing Group
Waste Challenge
AGEC Directive: The Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy Law. Putting Law into Practice in European E-Commerce: Current laws do not provide a guideline on how to calculate recyclability which leads to a lack of comparability and confusion for the customer and producer on how to make sustainable choices.
About the Students' Solution
We provide a recyclability index in which components of recyclability are weighted/ categorised in order to give the EU commission a tool to compare the recyclability of textile products. This can be implemented in the guidelines for the Digital Product Passport. It will allow companies to use a single method rather than methods to calculate recyclability and will be based on the French AGEC directive (a law on anti-waste that mandates waste disclosures by companies) and other scientific based categories.
About the Challenge Collaborator
The Westwing Group is the European leader in inspiration-based Home & Living eCommerce. Department: Quality & Sustainability within Sourcing and OperationsThe scale of our operations means we have a responsibility to the planet and the people on it. This responsibility is something we take seriously. We are proud to have built a company that drives creativity, inspires our customers, genuinely cares for our employees, and works closely with our business partners on sustainability. From sourcing to merchandising, we are committed to making ethical and sustainable choices along our value chain, while minimizing our environmental footprint and creating positive social impacts.
More Information
Detailed information about the waste challenge here
Detailed information about the student solutions here.
Dritter EuroTeQ Collider an der TUM (Sommersemester 2023)
Der dritte EuroTeQ Collider an der TUM fand im Sommersemester 2023 statt. Insgesamt 80 Studierende aus verschiedenen Fachrichtungen haben während der Projektwochen an insgesamt 15 Challenges zum Thema "Leave no waste behind" gearbeitet und wieder spannende Projekte entwickelt! Teil der Projektwochen war ein intensives Arbeitswochenende auf der Burg Schwaneck, bei dem die Studierenden Zeit und Raum für die Ausarbeitung ihrer Ideen hatten und vom EuroTeQ-Team und externen Workshop Partnern unterstützt wurden.
Nach insgesamt sechs intensiven Collider Projektwochen, fanden die finalen Präsentationen auf TUM Ebene am 2. Juni 2023 statt. Drei Gewinnerteams wurden dabei in den Kategorien CITIES, ENERGY, CONSUMPTION ausgewählt und zum EuroTeQaThon in Prag vom 10. - 12. Juni 2023 eingeladen.
Wir möchten uns bei allen Challenge-Partnern und Mentoren für ihr großes Engagement und ihre Unterstützung während der Projektwochen bedanken. Ohne unsere Challenge-Partner wäre der EuroTeQ Collider nicht möglich! Alle Informationen zu den Challenges und Challengegebern finden Sie weiter unten.
Zudem möchten wir uns auch bei allen Jurymitgliedern bedanken, die unsere Gewinnerteams auf TUM Ebene ausgewählt haben. Dank unserer TUM Jury, waren wir mit drei großartigen Teams auf dem EuroTeQaThon in Prag vertreten. Ein großes Dankeschön an unsere Jurymitglieder des diesjährigen EuroTeQ Colliders: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Müller, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gebbeken, Kiara Sweeney, Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs, Nina Weingarten, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Goerg, Dipl.- Ing. Claus Lindenblatt, Dr. Thomas Kiefer, Dr. Carlos Cuevas, Kathrin Kirsch, Sandra Passreiter und Jason Lochert.
Ein Einblick in die Projektwochen
Kurze wöchentliche Updates über den EuroTeQ Collider an der TUM.
Geschrieben von Naim Conrad Vilabrera
5.- 7. Mai 2023 - Ein erlebnisreiches Wochenede auf Burg Schwaneck
"Für mich liegt der Vorteil des Collider in der Möglichkeit, praktisch zu lernen und nicht in einem weiteren Theoriekurs. Auch das Wochenende auf Burg Schwaneck gefällt mir sehr gut, denn es ist etwas ganz Besonderes, zwei ganze Tage mit seinem Team zusammenzuarbeiten. Die meisten Gruppenprojekte sind asynchron und funktionieren aus der Ferne. Das ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, Netzwerke zu knüpfen und Beziehungen mit Leuten aus der ganzen TUM aufzubauen."
- Eine Erklärung von Visesh Murali, einem Student der Westing Challenge - AGEC Directive: The Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy Law. Putting Law into Practice in European E-Commerce.
Mitte April bis Ende Mai 2023 - Projektwochen
Während dieser Zeit wird jedes Team individuell an seinen Projekten arbeiten. Von den Teams wird erwartet, dass sie regelmäßige Gruppentreffen und Mentorensitzungen organisieren. Darüber hinaus verlangen die Organisatoren von TUM EuroTeQ, dass jedes Team eine wöchentliche Check-in-Sitzung via Zoom abhält, um den Projektfortschritt zu überprüfen und Unterstützung und Feedback zu geben. Bislang gab es 2 Check-in-Sitzungen. Es ist ziemlich beeindruckend, die beeindruckende Entwicklung der Projekte zu sehen. Während der 2. Check-in-Sitzung mussten die Teams folgende Aufgaben erfüllen
1) Beschreiben Sie Ihre Herausforderung in nur drei Sätzen.
2) Formulieren Sie eine Visionsaussage. Was ist das langfristige Ziel dieser Herausforderung? Was würde sich das Team vorstellen, wenn es unbegrenzt Zeit hätte, Lösungen zu entwickeln?
3) Beschreiben Sie Ihre Lösungen in nur drei Sätzen: Wie können Sie diese Herausforderung in den nächsten Wochen "lösen"? Vielleicht entwickelt das Team die Grundlagen für zukünftige Forschung oder ein bestehendes Projekt. Die Lösungen können ein Grundsatzpapier, ein Prototyp, eine Website, ein konzeptioneller Entwurf für ein Projekt, eine Durchführbarkeitsstudie, ein ganzheitlicher Überblick oder eine Kombination daraus sein.
4) Arbeitsteilung und wie jedes Mitglied zu den Bemühungen des Teams beiträgt.
11. bis 14. April 2023 - Die Workshop-Woche stärkt die Fähigkeiten der Schüler
An der TUM ist der EuroTeQ Collider mehr als nur ein Wettbewerb, bei dem Studierende Lösungen für komplexe Herausforderungen finden sollen. Es ist auch ein Kurs, in dem die Studierenden Schulungen erhalten, die ihre Fähigkeiten verbessern und letztendlich die Präsentation und das Prototyping von Lösungen verbessern. Während der 4 Tage wurden den Studierenden die folgenden Workshops und Dozenten angeboten.
1. Workshop zur Teambildung
2. Workshop zum gestalterischen Denken
3. Projektmanagement-Workshop
4. Workshop zum Aufbau eines Start-up-Unternehmens
5. Green Deal und Nachhaltigkeit. Nachhaltige Lösungen, Kommunikation von nachhaltigen Lösungen Vorlesungen
6. Erstellung von Software-Prototypen zur Bereicherung Ihrer Projektpräsentationen mit MathWorks Workshop
"Dank der Workshopwoche habe ich hilfreiche Organisationsmittel für die Projektarbeit kennengelernt."
- Eine Aussage eines anonymen Studenten
5. April 2023 - Studierende und Herausforderungen treffen bei der Auftaktveranstaltung aufeinander
Am Vormittag begrüßte das EuroTeQ-Team in einer Zoom-Anrufschaltung mit mehr als 80 Teilnehmern Studierende und Challenge-Mitarbeiter zum offiziellen Start des TUM EuroTeQ Collider 2023 nach mehreren Monaten der Vorbereitung. An diesem Tag stellten die Challenge-Mitarbeiter den Studierenden zum ersten Mal ihre Herausforderungen zum Thema "Leave No Waste Behind" vor. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler waren nicht eingeschüchtert. Es war klar, dass einige Schüler sofort wussten, welche Herausforderungen sie annehmen wollten. Im Folgenden finden Sie Informationen zu den Herausforderungen. Nach einer Fragerunde und Informationen über die nächsten Schritte zur Bildung eines Teams war die Auftaktveranstaltung beendet.
Das waren die Challenges im SS 2023
Aus diesen Challenges und ihren Mentor*innen konnten die EuroTeQ Collider Teilnehmer wählen.
Waste Challenge Title:
Leave No Waste Behind - Sustainable Urban Farming Workshops in an All-Round Carefree Package
About the Challenge Collaborator
Ackerpause is a program of AckerCompany GmbH and has been bringing vegetable plots to neighborhoods and businesses, as well as senior and care facilities since 2019. Its roots lie in the non-profit Acker e. V. with its multiple award-winning educational programs on vegetable gardening for children and young people. Since then, Ackerpause has expanded its portfolio to include adult education and, under the Acker umbrella, shares a common vision of greater appreciation for nature and food Germany-wide.
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Increasing Circularity of Solar Energy Components
About the Challenge Collaborator
Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB) is a publicly regulated bank based in Munich, Germany and one of the six Landesbanken (State Bank). It is 75% owned by the Free State of Bavaria. With a balance of €220 billion and over 8,000 employees in the group, it is the seventh-largest financial institution in Germany. BayernLB has a portfolio exclusively targeted at corporate clients.
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Does Battery Recycling Compete with Second-Life Usages?
About the Challenge Collaborator
Founded in 2019, STABL Energy is one of the most innovative startups for the energy transition: winning the PV-magazine Megawatt Award in 2020, the EES Award in 2022, and being named a global Top100 Energy Startup in 2021. It is funded by renowned and experienced Tech VCs from Germany and Switzerland. STABL Energy is united by the vision of enabling a climate-neutral energy system: with safe, sustainable, and efficient battery storage systems.
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Creating the Universities of Tomorrow
About the Challenge Collaborator
This challenge is offered by, Alexander Holas and Catherine Y. Koch, who represent the TUM:Junge Akademie Team, “elecTUM." During a 20-month scholarship, together with six other students, Holas and Koch developed a project that focused on assessing the energy consumption of university lectures and delivering the tool, elecCalc, as its main result. Now that the scholarship has ended, elecTUM would like to allow other students to broaden elecCalc with the aim to construct a tool that can be sustainably used by TUM and other universities!
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Mobile Green Study Units at TUM
About the Challenge Collaborator
Plant a Seed is a unique interdisciplinary educational project for sustainability at the Technical Universityof Munich (TUM) with a mission to raise awareness about food production and consumption, link people with nature by encouraging and strengthening their connection and visualize sustainability on the university campus. Plant a seed was awarded as the first sustainable living lab at TUM and recognized as a promising practice by the UN Habitat Youth Initiative!
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Leave No Food Behind: Feed Who is in Need!
About the Challenge Collaborator
Corinna Doll is a TUM student of political science who did an internship in Brussels where lobbyism events occur throughout the year. The discrepancy of well-paid people eating and drinking for free, while other people have food insecurity just around the corner, created a strong and unbearable impression. But the problem is complicated. Many smart people are necessary to disentangle the problem and work on practical solutions. Corinna wants to support the project group(s) with her knowledge of the situation and a network of contacts, which can provide more detailed information.
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Stop wasting buildings! Capturing Circular Qualities of Non-Residential Buildings
About the Challenge Collaborator
The challenge addresses diverse stakeholders from the real estate industry, building design and construction as well as urban planning while providing entrepreneurial opportunities. Behind the challenge are the Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building (ENPB) and the Chair of Circular Economy (CE). Both are apart of the TUM Mission Network Circular Economy - CirculaTUM, which aims to reinvent the way we do business and decouple prosperity from resource consumption.
The Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building (ENPB) conducts research on a fundamentally sustainable transformation of our built environment.
Team: Carsten Schade, Johannes Staudt
The Chair of Circular Economy (CE) contributes to the transition of industry and society towards sustainability through developing, assessing and optimizing circular economy and bioeconomy systems.
Team: Josef Huber, Vanessa Heinrich, Rosina Lohmeyer
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
System Generation for Smart Waste Collection
About the Challenge Collaborator
Infineon Technologies AG is a world leader in semiconductor solutions that make life easier, safer and greener. Microelectronics from Infineon are the key to a better future. With around 50,280 employees worldwide, Infineon is the link between the real and the digital world. In the fiscal year 2021, Infineon reported revenue of more than €11 billion.
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
AGEC Directive: The Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy Law.
Putting Law into Practice in European E-Commerce
About the Challenge Collaborator
The Westwing Group - The European leader in inspiration-based Home & Living eCommerce. Department: Quality & Sustainability within Sourcing and Operations
The scale of our operations means we have a responsibility to the planet and the people on it. This responsibility is something we take seriously. We are proud to have built a company that drives creativity, inspires our customers, genuinely cares for our employees, and works closely with our business partners on sustainability. From sourcing to merchandising, we are committed to making ethical and sustainable choices along our value chain, while minimizing our environmental footprint and creating positive social impacts.
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Leave No Political Waste Behind
About the Challenge Collaborator
Ahmed Maati is a postdoctoral researcher at the Professorship of Policy Analysis at the Hochschule für Politik. Our team focuses on, among other things, how to facilitate technological innovation under democratic conditions. It investigates the opportunities and challenges new technologies pose for ecological, economic, and societal sustainability. In doing so, we particularly focus on comparative analyses of different political regimes and state models with respect to polity, politics, and different policy areas.
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Software Greengineer.
Empower the People Who Shape The Digital World Day by Day.
About the Challenge Collaborator
Susanne Grohs-von Reichenbach - Founder of Think Digital Green, Digital Business Innovator, Expert for Storytelling
Eslam Shoaala – Workday GmbH - Software Engineer, M.Sc Politics and Technology
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Mining Towards Renewable Energies.
The Waste Trail of Extractive Industries for the Energetic Transition.
About the Challenge Collaborator
The multi-disciplinary team of the research project “The potential for AI in the extractive industries to promote multi-objective optimization” includes TUM’s Chair of Land Management, Chair of Resources Economics and the Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence.
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here and the video of the launch event
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
Trash to Fresh – Building a Sustainable Living Lab with a Circular Economy Approach
About the Challenge Collaborator
My name is Veronica Becker and I am not only the course coordinator for the EuroTeQ Collider, but also a challenge collaborator in this round!
Originally coming from a Bachelor in Geosciences, and with a great passion for nature and earth processes, I wanted to learn more about the consequences of human impact on our ecosystems, which lead me to the studies of Environmental Engineering. Here, I specialized in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach and Hydrogeology, Groundwater and Geothermal Energy. During my studies, I initiated and implemented the student organization Plant a Seed, that was awarded as the first sustainable living lab and recognized as a promising practice by the UN Youth Habitat Initiative. With the intention to advance sustainable measures and inspire other universities to follow, I brought Plant a Seed to Mexico, where I was working with a local initiative and local students to work towards food sovereignty and capacity building in a small urban district. This project was wrapped up in my Master thesis, where I established a Theory of Change approach for a bottom-up urban farming initiative to strengthen food sovereignty and environmental protection in Mexico, which was also recognized as a promising practice by the Climate Change director of Puebla, and we are currently working to replicate the project in more urban neighborhoods.
In 2022, I joined the Professorship of Policy Analysis at TU Munich as a researcher and project manager for the "EuroTeQ Collider 2022" project. I am also a yoga instructor and coach. :) I have intiated multiple projects from scratch and I have a great network and would be happy to share all these wonderful contacts with you in order to help you – help us – develop this absolute crazy, but very unique and colorful concept together! ;)
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge here
View the student's report here
Waste Challenge Title
The toxic trail of tourism: the highest dumpster in the himalayas
About the Challenge Collaborator
As mentioned during the Launch event, this challenge was submitted very last minute. Due to the fact, that it is an extremely important topic, we decided to accept this challenge regardless.
This is what Dr. Pamela Duran send me beforhand: After talking to my main collaborator Nishant Tiku from HIAL, he told me there is this bigger challenge about the waste tourists leave behind. Just to give you an idea, there's a valley between the mountains that is being used as a dumpster. There's no way to recycle these tons of waste (mainly plastic). There's already a policy to ban single use plastic, but it only applies to bags, while plastic bottles and the wrapping of junk food remain.
Waste Challenge
All information about the waste challenge in the video here.
View the student's report here (Group 1: WasteWise)
View the student's report here (Group 2: The Himalayan LEGOS)