Dr. Florentine Koppenborg
Room: B.258
Phone: 089/ 907793 - 225
E-Mail: florentine.koppenborg(at)hfp.tum.de
Social Media: LinkedIn , Google Scholar
CV (short bio)
Florentine Koppenborg has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Environmental and Climate Policy at the HfP/TUM since October 2017. Her research interests are within the area of energy and climate policy, particularly energy transitions (“Energiewende”) and interactions – both synergies and conflicts – with climate policy. She authored the book “Japan's Nuclear Disaster and the Politics of Safety Governance" (Cornell University Press, 2023), several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on Japan’s nuclear energy and climate policy as well as on technology phase-outs.
In 2022, Florentine Koppenborg was elected as a board member at the VSJF – German Association for Social Science Research on Japan. Currently, she is the principal investigator of a research project on "Governing Sustainability Transitions: Technology Phase-outs in Germany and Japan”. Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), this project analyses the phase-out of different energy technologies, such as nuclear and coal power, particularly in Germany and Japan.
5 Key Publications
2023 Japan’s Nuclear Disaster and the Politics of Safety Governance, Cornell University Press.
2023 „The Evolution of "Phase-Out" as a Bridging Concept for Sustainability: From Pollution to Climate Change” (mit Gregory Trencher, Adrian Rinscheid, Daniel Rosenbloom, Nhi Truong & Pinar Temocin) in: One Earth
2023 „More Weapons than Windmills: Japan’s Military and Energy Policy Response to Russia’s Attack on Ukraine” (with Ulv Hanssen, Soka University) in: Czech Journal of International Relations.
2021 „Japan’s Climate Change Discourse: Toward Climate Securitisation?” (with Ulv Hanssen, Soka University) in: Politics & Governance, Vol 9 (4).
2021 „Nuclear Restart Politics: How the ‘Nuclear Village’ Lost Policy Implementation Power” In: Social Science Journal Japan, Vol 24 (1).
- Governing Sustainability Transitions: Technology Phase-outs in Germany and Japan, PI
- Geopolitics of Renewable Energy (GeoRE Sim), Co-PI with Miranda Schreurs and Theresa Jedd
- Environmental Policy in Comparison – National and subnational Perspectives (seminar language German; 1,4*) - WiSe 17/18; SoSe 19
- Climate Politics – International, National and Local Dimensions (seminar language English; 1,1*) - WiSe 18/19; WiSe 19/20; WiSe 20/21; WiSe 21/22; WiSe 22/23; WiSe 23/24
- Lecture Introduction to Comparative Politics (seminar language German; 2,1*) WiSe 22/23
- Environment and Climate Transformation in the Asia-Pacific (seminar language English; 1,3*) - SoSe 18; SoSe 19; SoSe 20; SoSe 21
- Multi-level Governance - Environmental, Climate and Energy Policy and Technology in a Global Context (seminar language English; 1,4*) - SoSe 18; SoSe 21; SoSe 22
- International and National Dimensions of Climate Strategies in the Context of UNFCCC (seminar language English; 1,8*) – WiSe 21/22; WiSe 22/23, WiSe 23/24
*Student evaluation on a scale from 1 = “very good” to 5 = “very unsatisfied”