
New DFG project under the direction of Prof. Dr. Katrin Paula

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The German Research Foundation (DFG) will fund the research project Security threats and fragile commitments: Stress-testing German support for human rights at home and abroad led by Prof. Dr. Katrin Paula (Professorship for Global Security and Technology) for three years. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Prof. Sabine Carey, PhD (University of Mannheim).

Short summary:
How malleable is support for human rights in a democracy when society faces security threats? And how can this support be strengthened in times of crisis? Through several innovative survey experiments (including video experiments) conducted among the German adult population, the project examines theoretically and empirically how support for human rights is shaped by potential threats that people might face, the types of rights that might be restricted to address the threat, and by exposure to deliberative arguments about the trade-off between security and rights.

For more information, please visit the following link: