New Research Project: ToxicAInment

In a world where platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram are ubiquitous, visual entertainment not only shapes our leisure time but also influences our values and beliefs. This project takes a critical look at the dark sides of the popularity of these platforms. While, on the one hand, they promote democratic processes, on the other hand, they disseminate toxic, extremist, and misleading content that demonstrably affects mental well-being. With an innovative theoretical framework that integrates entertainment theories, visual communication, and toxic language, the research project explores how entertaining formats influence users' willingness to tolerate offensive statements. Using AI methods and survey experiments, the project uncovers the hidden impacts and reveals the true extent of "easily digestible" toxicity in visual media.

A new research project, led by Prof. Dr. Yannis Teocharis from the Technical University of Munich, Prof. Dr. Diana Rieger from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, and Prof. Dr. Carsten Schwemmer, aims not only to understand the extent of the dissemination of toxic content on platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram but also to analyze the profound impact on individual attitudes and behaviors of users. The project integrates entertainment theories, visual communication, and toxic language within an innovative theoretical framework.

The primary objective of the project is to comprehend the extent of toxic content presented in visual formats disguised as entertainment and to investigate the effects on individual behavior. Specifically, the research explores the extent to which citizens are willing to tolerate offensive remarks due to their entertaining nature.

The research design incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) methods for automated content classification and survey experiments to uncover causal effects of toxic entertainment.

The findings of this project could contribute to the development of mechanisms to curb the spread of harmful content on social media and raise awareness about the potential impacts of toxic entertainment. Ultimately, this effort could play a role in making the social media landscape safer and healthier. Learn more [here](insert_link).