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- Domestic ideas and interests in development cooperation of emerging donors: the case of Mexican development policy. Contemporary Politics, 2024, 1-23 mehr…
- Positions of Established and Emerging Powers Towards Climate Finance: The Cases of Germany and Korea. In: Emerging Trends in International Development and Climate Policy. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024 mehr…
- Democracy Unmoored: Populism and the Corruption of Popular Sovereignty <i>by Samuel Issacharoff</i>. Political Science Quarterly 139 (2), 2024, 316-317 mehr…
- Shades of Resistance: Factors Influencing Populist Mobilization Against the EU Budgetary Conditionality Regime. Politics and Governance 12, 2024 mehr…
- Democracy Unmoored: Populism and the Corruption of Popular Sovereignty by Samuel Issacharoff. Political Science Quarterly 139 (2), 2024, 316-317 mehr…
- Varieties of capitalism and patient capital in developing and emerging economies: evidence from Kenya. Socio-Economic Review, 2024 mehr…
- Digital sovereignty as control: the regulation of digital finance in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy 31 (8), 2024, 2226-2249 mehr…
- Divergent Attitudes of Eurosceptic Parties Towards Intergovernmental and Supranational EU Institutions. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2024 mehr…
- Do UN Missions Have an Expiration Date? Ideational Commitment to UN Peacekeeping and the Length of Missions. International Peacekeeping 31 (1), 2024, 1-28 mehr…
- Election Accomplished: Democracies and the Timing of Peacekeeper Drawdowns. Political Research Quarterly 77 (1), 2024, 3-16 mehr…
- The IMF and the Future of the Liberal International Order. In: The Oxford Handbook of the International Monetary Fund. Oxford University Press (1. Aufl.), 2024 mehr…
- In Europe we trust: selecting and empowering EU institutions in disruptive circumstances. Journal of European Integration 46 (2), 2024, 235-255 mehr…
- Time in International Organizations and International Organizations in Time. In: The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford University Press (2.. Aufl.), 2024 mehr…
- Revitalizing the World Bank: Engagement with the Private Sector and Scope Expansion. In: The Elgar Companion to the World Bank. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, 143–153 mehr…
- The challenge populist governments pose for the process and theory of European integration. West European Politics 46 (1), 2023, 219-240 mehr…
- Local Currency Bond Markets in Africa: Resilience and Subordination. Development and Change, 2023 mehr…
- Europe’s Global Gateway: A New Instrument of Geopolitics. Politics and Governance 11 (4), 2023 mehr…
- When policy entrepreneurs drift between levels: The creation of the International Renewable Energy Agency. Global Policy 14 (4), 2023, 588-599 mehr…
- Policy Entrepreneurship in European and Global Institutions: How, Why, and With What Consequences. Technische Universität München, 2023 mehr…
- The Politics behind the Creation of the Banking Union. In: The Cambridge Handbook of European Monetary, Economic and Financial Integration. Cambridge University Press, 2023 mehr…
- The Choice for Banking Union – Power, Politics and the Trap of Credible Commitment. Routledge, 2022 mehr…
- The EU's New Economic Governance Framework and Budgetary Decision‐Making in the Member States: Boon or Bane for Throughput Legitimacy?*. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2022 mehr…
- Introduction: The Structural Power of Finance Meets Financialization. Politics & Society 50 (4), 2022, 523-542 mehr…
- Domestic Bank Reform and the Contingent Nature of the Structural Power of Finance in Emerging Markets. Politics & Society 50 (4), 2022, 571-598 mehr…
- Measuring actual discretion of the European Commission: Using the discretion index to guide empirical research. European Union Politics 23 (3), 2022, 541–558 mehr…
- Orchestrating private investors for development: How the World Bank revitalizes. Regulation & Governance 16 (4), 2022, 1382-1398 mehr…
- China und die BRICS in globalen ökonomischen Institutionen. In: De-Globalisierung. Nomos, 2022, 123-138 mehr…
- The Limits of Transparency: Expert Knowledge and Meaningful Accountability in Central Banking. Government and Opposition 57 (2), 2022, 217-232 mehr…
- Persistence Against the Odds: How Entrepreneurial Agents Helped the UN Joint Inspection Unit to Prevail. Global Policy 13 (2), 2022, 235-246 mehr…
- Bringing Independence and Accountability Together: Mission Impossible for the European Central Bank? Journal of European Integration 44 (6), 2022, 837-853 mehr…
- When Do International Organizations Engage in Agency Slack? A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of United Nations Institutions. Global Studies Quarterly 2 (3), 2022 mehr…
- QCA in International Relations: A Review of Strengths, Pitfalls, and Empirical Applications. International Studies Review 24 (1), 2022 mehr…
- The unintended consequences of UN sanctions: A qualitative comparative analysis. Contemporary Security Policy, 2022, 1-31 mehr…
- Incentives and constraints: a configurational account of European involvement in the anti-Daesh coalition. European Political Science Review, 2022, 1-19 mehr…
- German Parliamentary Debates and Decision-Making on Afghanistan. Orient: German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East 63 (1), 2022 mehr…
- Disengagement from International Organisations: The Role of Domestic Politics. 2022 mehr…
- New champions of preferential trade? Two-level games in China’s and India’s shifting commercial strategies. Review of International Political Economy, 2022, 1-24 mehr…
- Technoregulierung in China: bayerische Unternehmen im Sozialkreditsystem. bidt - Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation, 2022 mehr…
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis: An Introduction to Research Design and Application. Georgetown University Press, 2021 mehr…
- The challenge populist governments pose for the process and theory of European integration. West European Politics, 2021, 1-22 mehr…
- The Politics of Populism in Hungary. Routledge, 2021 mehr…
- Populism as a ‘corrective’ to trade agreements? ‘America First’ and the readjustment of NAFTA. International Politics, 2021 mehr…
- Employing capital: Patient capital and labour relations in Kenya’s manufacturing sector. , Hrsg.: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 2021, mehr…
- Tussle for space: The politics of mock‐compliance with global financial standards in developing countries. Regulation & Governance, 2021 mehr…
- A new delegation design for EU governance: how preference cohesiveness of multiple principals shapes the European Commission’s discretion in trade negotiations. Comparative European Politics, 2021 mehr…
- The (self-)empowerment of the European Central Bank during the sovereign debt crisis. Journal of European Integration 43 (1), 2021, 83-98 mehr…
- Power transitions and the rise of the regulatory state: Global market governance in flux. Regulation & Governance 15 (3), 2021, 445-471 mehr…
- German Foreign Policy. In: Foreign Policy Change in Europe Since 1991. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 155-78 mehr…
- Hungary and the European Union. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of European Union Politics. Oxford University Press, 2020 mehr…
- Does Politicization Matter? Small States in East-Central Europe and the Brexit Negotiations. East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures 35 (1), 2020, 136-155 mehr…
- Who determined what governments really wanted? Preference formation and the euro crisis. West European Politics, 2020, 1-22 mehr…
- ‘We won’t let Brussels dictate us’: Eurosceptic populism in Hungary and Poland. European Politics and Society, 2020, 1-16 mehr…
- . The rise of cross-border banking and the transformation of African economies: Evidenceand knowledge gaps. In: Finance in Africa: Addressing challenges in the 21st century. University of Oxford, 2020 mehr…
- Catch22 or the Politics of Navigating Basel Standards in Nigeria’s Fragile Banking Sector. In: The Political Economy of Bank Regulation in Developing Countries: Risk and Reputation. Oxford University Press, 2020 mehr…
- Explaining the rise of third-party funding in investment arbitration. Columbia FDI Perspectives 287, 2020 mehr…
- Banking on courts: financialization and the rise of third-party funding in investment arbitration. Review of International Political Economy, 2020, 1-23 mehr…
- A “new political culture”: the challenges of deliberation in Alternativet. European Political Science, 2020 mehr…
- Governing Markets in Autocratic Regimes. In: The Governor’s Dilemma. Oxford University Press, 2020 mehr…
- Patterns of Political Ideology and Security Policy. Foreign Policy Analysis 16 (4), 2020, 565-586 mehr…
- China’s “Health Silk Road” Offensive: How the West should Respond. Global Policy Opinion, 2020 mehr…
- Sinkende Bedeutung der UNO: Stärkung informeller Organisationen. In: Wissenschaft, Vernunft & Nachhaltigkeit. Technische Universität München, 2020 mehr…
- Reforming International Organizations: How Partisanship and Ministerial Control Shape States Preferences towards the World Bank. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 26 (4), 2020, 601–627 mehr…
- Neither episodic, nor destined to failure? The endurance of Hungarian populism after 2010. Democratization 26 (6), 2019, 1011-1027 mehr…
- Legacies and innovations in global economic governance since Bretton Woods. Review of International Political Economy 26 (6), 2019, 1089-1111 mehr…
- Global Democracy in Decline? Global Governance 25 (2), 2019, 231-254 mehr…
- Contested EU trade governance: transparency conundrums in TTIP negotiations. Comparative European Politics 18 (2), 2019, 215-232 mehr…
- Time in Multilateral Negotiations and International Organizations in Time. In: Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford University Press, 2019 mehr…
- Explaining coherence in international regime complexes: How the World Bank shapes the field of multilateral development finance. Review of International Political Economy 26 (6), 2019, 1160-1186 mehr…
- European Union Migration Agencies at the Crossroads: Significant Empowerment after the Schengen crisis? 2019 mehr…
- Paths towards coalition defection: Democracies and withdrawal from the Iraq War. European Journal of International Security 5 (1), 2019, 45-76 mehr…
- Von der Bonner zur Berliner Republik: Die „Zivilmacht“ Deutschland im Spiegel parlamentarischer Debatten zu Auslandseinsätzen der Bundeswehr, 1990 bis 2018. In: Zivilmacht Bundesrepublik? Bundesdeutsche außenpolitische Rollen vor und nach 1989 aus politik- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Perspektiven. Nomos, 2019, 295-316 mehr…
- Democratic Transformation after the Second World War. In: The Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford University Press, 2019, 280-292 mehr…
- Die Selbstermächtigung der Europäischen Zentralbank während der Eurokrise. In: Europa neu (er)finden im digitalen Zeitalter? Freiheit, Wohlstand und europäische Integration. Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, 2019, 223-228 mehr…
- Teaming Up? China, India and Brazil and the Issue of Benefit-Sharing from Genetic Resource Use. New Political Economy, 2019, 1-21 mehr…
- How Do Inclusionary and Exclusionary Autocracies Affect Ordinary People? Comparative Political Studies, 2019, 001041401985895 mehr…
- TRIPS Implementation in Developing Countries: Likely Scenarios to 2025. In: The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance. Cambridge University Press, 2019, 275-294 mehr…
- European Policy Failure during the Refugee Crisis: Partial Empowerment, Reluctant Agents, a Cacophony of Voices, and Unilateral Action. EUI Working Papers RSCAS, 2018 mehr…
- Lost in internal evaluation? Accountability and insulation at the World Bank. Contemporary Politics 24 (5), 2018, 568-587 mehr…
- Rising Powers in Global Economic Governance: Mapping the Flexibility-Empowerment Nexus. Global Policy 10 (1), 2018, 19-28 mehr…
- The unintended consequences of parliamentary involvement: Elite collusion and Afghanistan deployments in Canada and Germany. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20 (1), 2018, 135-157 mehr…
- National restrictions in multinational military operations: A conceptual framework. Contemporary Security Policy 40 (1), 2018, 38-55 mehr…
- The politics of multinational military operations. Contemporary Security Policy 40 (1), 2018, 30-37 mehr…
- Parliaments in security policy: Involvement, politicisation, and influence. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20 (1), 2018, 3-18 mehr…
- Elite legitimation and delegitimation of international organizations in the media: Patterns and explanations. The Review of International Organizations, 2018 mehr…
- The new architects: Brazil, China, and innovation in multilateral development lending. Public Administration and Development 39 (4-5), 2018, 203-214 mehr…
- Horizontal coordination in federal political systems – non-centralization in the European Union and Canada compared. Journal of European Public Policy 24 (4), 2017, 562-579 mehr…
- Regaining Control of Errant Agents? Agency Slack at the European Commission and the World Health Organization. Cooperation and Conflict 52 (4), 2017, 469–484 mehr…
- Multiple Principals’ preferences, Types of Control Mechanisms, and Agent’s Discretion in Trade Negotiations. In: The Principal Agent Model and the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 mehr…
- Shaping Global Trade Governance Rules: New Powers’ Hard and Soft Strategies of Influence at the WTO. European Foreign Affairs Review 22 (Special Issue), 2017, 19-36 mehr…
- Two-Level Games in Foreign Policy Analysis. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis. Oxford University Press, 2017, 1-31 mehr…
- Measuring the Empowerment of International Organizations: The Evolution of Financial and Staff Capabilities. Global Policy 8 (S5), 2017, 51-61 mehr…
- Curbing the Royal Prerogative to Use Military Force: The British House of Commons and the Conflicts in Libya and Syria. West European Politics 40 (1), 2017, 80-100 mehr…
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis and the Study of Non-State Actors. In: Researching Non-State Actors in International Security: Theory & Practice. Routledge, 2017, 123-142 mehr…
- Parlamente in der Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik: Parlamentarische Kontrolle von Streitkräfteeinsätzen im Licht der Forschung. Sicherheit und Frieden 35 (2), 2017, 53-59 mehr…
- The Differentiated Politicisation of European Tax Governance. West European Politics 39 (1), 2017, 64-83 mehr…
- Introduction: The Differentiated Politicisation of European Governance. West European Politics 39 (1), 2017, 3-22 mehr…
- The Quest for Legitimacy in World Politics – International Institutions’ Legitimation Strategies. Review of International Studies 42 (3), 2016, 535-557 mehr…
- Verantwortungszurechnung im EU-Mehrebenensystem während der Eurokrise: Wer kontrollierte die Troika-Institutionen? Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 26 (1), 2016, 115-129 mehr…