Professorship of Political Philosophy and Theory

In research, teaching, and social impact activities, the professorship deals with the fundamentals of political philosophy and theory, i.e. theories about the being, the supposed, and the design of political communities, institutions, and processes.

The professorhip's courses provide a systematic overview of the research field of political theory, methods, and procedures of political theory, as well as comparisons between different political theories. In addition, central concepts such as freedom, justice, and power are examined from various theories. A central topic of the chair is democratic theory: Here, central concepts such as sovereignty, representation, participation, and pluralism are analyzed and various models of democracy are taught, such as liberal democratic theory, republican democratic theory, elite democratic theory, etc.

The professorship places a particular focus on theories of technology and society and of technology and politics. For example, current controversies about democracy in digitalized societies are central here: the digital state, digital participation, surveillance, disinformation, resistance to digital technology, and technology regulation.


26.04.2022 10:00 - The Trade Off: Economics versus the Environment

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You are kindly invited to attend online a special lecture by Ambassador Katherine Tai who was appointed as United States Trade Representative by Joseph R. Biden. As a member of the president’s cabinet, Ambassador Tai is the principal trade advisor, negotiator, and spokesperson on U.S. trade policy. 

The conversation with U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai serves as a capstone of Transatlantic Innovation Week (TIW) – a U.S. Mission Germany initiative brought to life in 2021 by CG Munich highlighting the importance of transatlantic partnerships in all aspects of innovation.  We are also happy to welcome Timothy Liston, U.S. Consul General, Munich who will open the discussion on German-U.S. trade relations in an era of geopolitical and environmental crisis and transition. 

The discussion, moderated by Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs, will evaluate the economics of fostering sustainable innovation while managing the environmental effects, both literally and geopolitically, on the U.S. trade relationship with Germany and the Eurozone. Dean Urs Gasser will welcome guests to this hybrid event at the new School of Social Sciences and Technology at the Technical University of Munich.

Join us via youtube:


10:00   Introduction:  Miranda Schreurs, Prof. of Environment and Climate Policy, TUM
10:10   Welcome: Urs Gasser, Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Technology, TUM
10:15   Opening Words: Tim Liston, U.S. Consul General, Munich
10:30   Keynote remarks: Katherine Tai, United States Trade Representative
10:50   Discussion and student questions 
11:00   Close