Research Focus
Dr. Claudia Schupp researches and teaches in the field of Interpersonal and Collective Violence. She sets a particular emphasis on questions of development policy and development economics and also relates these to ethical aspects in field research. Further, she contributes to Prof. Janina Steinert's field project in Tanzania and to a review of reviews for the World Health Organization. Both projects focus on violence against children and adolescents.
Dr. Claudia Schupp studied economics at the University of Passau and at Universidad de Santiago de Chile and focused on development economics in her master's degree, for which she was enrolled both at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. She completed her PhD in 2021 within the DFG-funded Research Training Group 1723 "Globalization and Development" at the University of Göttingen and Leibniz Universität Hannover. Since 2023, she has been a member of the Professorship of Global Health as well as the Professorship of Global Security and Technology at the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy as a postdoc. Between her PhD and postdoc position, she worked as a research consultant on the impact of the pandemic on children and adolescents at the German Youth Institute and the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.
Peer-reviewed articles:
Gehrke E, Lenel F, Schupp C. COVID-19 Crisis, Economic Hardships, and Schooling Outcomes. Education Finance and Policy. 2023; 18(3), 522-546.
Gehrke E, Lenel F, Schupp C. COVID-19 crisis in Cambodia: A dataset containing linked survey and administrative data of ninth-graders in rural areas. Data in Brief. 2022; 43, 108476.
Working papers:
Badini S, Gehrke E, Lenel F, Schupp C. Expanding Horizons: A Randomized Controlled Trial on Adolescents’ Career Information Acquisition. SSRN Working Paper No. 4885369. 2024.
Gehrke E, Lenel F, Schupp C. Occupational Aspirations and Investments in Education: Experimental Evidence from Cambodia. CESifo Working Paper No. 10608. 2023.