Dr. Stefan Ćetković

Room: B.259
Phone: 089/ 907793 - 223
E-Mail: stefan.cetkovic@hfp.tum.de


Stefan Ćetković is Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair for Environmental and Climate Policy at the Bavarian School of Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich since August 2017. His research focus lies in the area of climate and energy policy, with a particulary focus on the interplay between political-economic systems and environmentally friendly industry and technology development.

Stefan Ćetković completed his doctoral dissertation at the Freie Universität Berlin with a title “Governing the green economy in Serbia: Promises and pitfalls in the renewable electricity and organic farming sectors“. Following his PhD, he served as a researcher and lecturer at the Freie Universität Berlin and as a guest lecturer at the Universität Erfurt. Stefan Ćetković was also engaged as a consultat on European energy policy at the Berlin-based consulting company eclareon GmbH.

 “From 1 September 2023, Stefan Cetkovic’s new affiliation is Leiden University as Assistant Professor in Environmental and Energy Politics and Policy”

5 Key Publications

2021: Is populism a challenge to European energy and climate policy? Empirical evidence across varieties of populism, Journal of European Public Policy, 28:7, 998-1017 (with Robert A. Huber, Kacper Szulecki, and Tomas Maltby)

2021: Fractionalized but ambitious? Voting on energy and climate policy in the European Parliament, Journal of European Public Policy, 28:7, 1038-1056 (with Aron Buzogány).

2019: The Political Economy of EU Climate and Energy Policies in Central and Eastern Europe Revisited: Shifting Coalitions and Prospects for Clean Energy Transitions, Politics and Governance, Vol 7, No 1/2019, 124-138 (with Aron Buzogany). Internet link: https://www.cogitatiopress.com/politicsandgovernance/article/view/1786

2020: Changing climate for populists? Examining the influence of radical-right political parties on low-carbon energy transitions in Western Europe, Energy Research & Social Science, 66 (with Christian Hagemann).

2016: Varieties of capitalism and clean energy transitions in the European Union: When renewable energy hits different economic logics, Climate Policy 16(5), 642-657 (with Aron Buzogany). Internet link: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14693062.2015.1135778