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Shruti Shukla presents two posters on What Works South Asia 2023

Shruti Shukla is going to present data on adolescent pregnancy at the Campbell Collaboration´s Conceference "What Works South Asia 2023 Evidence-based strategies to enhance development in South Asia" in New Delhi between November 28 - 30 2023.

The posters she presents focus on "Correlates of Adolescent Pregnancy in the Context of COVID-19: A Community-Based Study in India" and "Mechanisms behind gender transformative approaches targeting adolescent pregnancy in low- and middle- income countries: findings from the initial stages of a realist synthesis".

The data for the first poster was gathered in the research project "Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Marriage, Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Domestic Violence in India and Zambia" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). You can read the full text of the article on the publishers website.

If you are interested in the conference, you can find more information on the homepage of Campbell South Asia.

To find out more about Shruti and her work, you can visit her profile on the website of the Professorship for Global Health.