Kaayin Kee

     Email: kaayin.kee@tum.de


Kaayin Kee has been a student assistant in the ICOS PAUL Project since August 2023 for the Chair of Environmental and Climate Policy at the Hochschule für Politik, Technical University of Munich. She is currently completing the M.Sc. Politics and Technology at the HfP.

Previously, she has completed a B.A. International Relations at the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences in Kleve, Germany. She has been a public health research assistant with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia, as well as being active in providing humanitarian aid for asylum seekers both in Lesvos, Greece and Melbourne, Australia.

During her master’s studies, Kaayin is focusing on physical and political aspects of climate change. Her interests lie in social justice, sustainability, and technology’s role in the social science