Tina Schivatcheva

Ph.D. Kandidat
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs
Political Science Free University of Berlin
E-Mail: tinas2zedat.fu-berlin.de

PhD Title: Natura 2000: the changing face of European conservation

Radostina (Tina) Schivatcheva is a doctoral candidate in Political Science at the Free University Berlin. She holds undergraduate and graduate University qualifications in both the social and environmental sciences from Bulgaria, Canada and most recently from the University of Cambridge, UK.


In the period 2015-2016 she twice held a junior research fellowship for political ecology research at the urban-environment interface of St. Petersburg, Russia, as part of the University Alliance for Sustainability (UAS) affiliation with the Saint Petersburg State University in Russia.

Passionate about finding development solutions which are environmentally sustainable and fairer to the people, Ms. Schivatcheva’s research explores the multi-level nexus of integrated development and conservation from a political ecology perspective.

Conceiving of the pan-European policy network N2000 as a heuristic model of interest intermediation, Ms. Schivatcheva's PhD study compares the development and implementation of synergies between community-centered environmental conservation approaches and green energy sustainable development strategies as well as other economically viable, as well as ecologically sustainable development initiatives.


Schivatcheva, R. (2017) 'Natura 2000 – the Role of Reflective Learning for Successful Pan-European Conservation Governance', In Tarrósy I, and Milford, S. (eds.) Post-Socialist Transformations in the Danube Region: 25 Years After the Collapse of the Soviet Union. Pécs, Hungary: IDResearch Ltd. and the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), p. 129-145.


Schivatcheva, R. 2016, ‘European conservation legislation: policies and politics in transition’, In Shefer I. (ed.) Conference Proceedings of the University Alliance for Sustainability, Berlin, UAS Working Paper Series Working Paper Series No. 1, 11.–15, April, 2016, pp. 75-88. Accessible at: http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/uas/uas-pool/uas-working-papers/index.html