The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the University of Bergen (UiB), Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU) and the University of Oslo (UiO) invite PhD-students working in the energy field to the Norwegian Research School in Renewable Energy (NorRen). The summer school has been running almost every year since 2012, at…
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Florentine Koppenborg gave a talk about her onging research on: 'Phase-Out Clubs: An effective tool for global climate governance?' on June 17, 2024 at 10:00 – 11:00 am in H.001.
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As part of the TUM Sustainability Day, Florentine Koppenborg moderated Panal on “Bridging Science and Society: Navigating Sustainability Challenges Together”. She wanted to know: What are best practices in transdisciplinary projects? What are common challenges in working together with multiple stakeholders?
The panelists Dr. Tanja Busse…
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Geovania: The geopolitical energy transition game
Led by the Chair for Climate and Environmental Policy
as part of the TUM Sustainability Day
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Am 12. Juni leiteten Theresa Jedd, Alina Weiß, Florentine Koppenbrg, Dörte Ohlhorst und Katrin Beer einen Simulationsworkshop mit dem Namen Geovania auf dem campusweiten Nachhaltigkeitstag der TUM. Der Workshop beinhaltete eine interaktive Simulation zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit bei der Energiewende. In dieser Simulation gab es vier fiktive…
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