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Florentine Koppenborg is the recipient of the ProLehre Hybrid Teaching Grant - Kofferlösung

Florentine Koppenborg has won a hybrid teaching grant from the TUM Pro Lehre Media and Didactics department, which includes technical equipment to retool any seminar room for hybrid teaching as well as funding for a hybrid teaching assistant.

Talk |

Prof. Eran Feitelson: Lecture on "Resilience to Droughts, Floods and Earthquakes: some Insights from Israel“

The lecture will take place from 10:00 - 12:00 in room H 414, 4th floor at the Hochschule für Politik München (HfP),  Richard-Wagner-Straße 1, 80333 München Eran Feitelson is a Professor and the Leon and Alice Ell Chair in Environmental Studies at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Professor Feitelson specializes in water policy, including…

Publication |

Dörte Ohlhorst and Miranda Schreurs: Global Sustainable Cities: City Governments and Our Environmental Future - Chapter 13

Dörte Ohlhorst and Miranda A. Schreurs (2023). “Global Sustainable Cities: Berlin Aims at Climate Neutrality,” in Daniel Spiegel-Feld, Katrina Miriam Wyman, and John J. Coughlin, Global Sustainable Cities: City Governments and Our Environmental Future.   New York: New York University Press. Chapter 13.  Over half of the world’s population now…

Talk |

Miranda Schreurs: Die Klima- und Auβenpolitik der Vereinigten Staaten in Zeiten geopolitischer Herausforderungen

Diskussionsrunde zur U.S. Klima- und Außenpolitik Es diskutieren Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs, Technische Universität München und Prof. Dr. Lora Anne Viola, Freie Universität Berlin. Moderation:  Claudia Buckenmaier, ARD-Hauptstadtstudio  Die Welt ist an einem Wendepunkt angelangt. Die Art und Weise, wie Nationen die globalen Herausforderungen…