Saurabh Dhawan

Room: B.356
Tel.: 089/907 793 131
Twitter: @xSaurabh
Sprechstunde: by appointment, please contact by email
Saurabh Dhawan is a researcher at the Bavarian School of Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich. He studied biology at the University of Delhi and Psychology and Neuroscience at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.
His current work in the Political Data Science group has a two-fold focus:
- Using computational methods to study the formation, flow, and manipulation of opinions within and between news and social media.
- Using insights from ecology, psychology and political science to characterize and fine-tune non-programmed emergent behavior in Artificially Intelligent agents such as Large Language Models.
Key Publications
- Dhawan, S., Hegelich, S., Sindermann, C. & Montag, C. (2022) Re-start social media, but how? Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Shahrezaye, M. , Dhawan, S., Steinacker, L., and Meckel, M. (2022). Contextualizing the Contagion: Diversity in Framing Elements Used by Established and Alternative News Media in Germany. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Dhawan, S., & Hegelich, S. (2022) R for Social Media Analysis. In Sloan L. & Quan-Haase A. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods. SAGE Publications Ltd.
- Dhawan, S., & Hegelich, S. (2022) From Outside In: Profiling, Persuasion and Political Opinion in the Age of Big Data. In Baumeister, H., & Montag, C. (Eds.), Digital phenotyping and mobile sensing: New developments in psychoinformatics. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
- Jonikaitis, D., Dhawan, S., & Deubel, H. (2019). Saccade selection and inhibition: motor and attentional components. Journal of Neurophysiology, 121(4), 1368-1380.
- Dhawan, S., Deubel, H., & Jonikaitis, D. (2013). Inhibition of saccades elicits attentional suppression. Journal of Vision, 13(6), 9-9.