Visiting Fellow 2021-2022
Dr. Felix Hagemeister
Office: N.N.
Phone: +49 89 907793 340
Felix Hagemeister’s research focuses on three key issues within the field of political economy. First, his work deals with the topic of populism and right-wing ideology, where he investigates explanations, consequences, and potential remedies. Second, Felix uses text data analysis to gain insights into the interplay of politics and the media. Finally, his work touches upon questions in health economics related to COVID-19 and smoking. Overall, his research aims to improve our understanding of social norms and individual decision-making in critical areas for policy.
After studying Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) at the University of Warwick in the UK, Felix obtained both his M.Sc. and PhD in Economics at LMU Munich. He also spent parts of his research career at UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona). From May 2021, Felix holds the Post-Doc Fellowship in Global Transformations at HfP.