"Online Childhood" - new project from Miranda's students

Sena Yağmur Kütükde & Ezgi Çakı, two students of the latest "Civil Society and Technological Change" class, developed an online open-source platform that creates content to improve civil society sources about digital education in Turkey.
Online Childhood is prepared to rethink digital education tools through the lens of children's rights. In this way, the platform aims to become a major share-information actor to open discussions about the well-being of child agency and digital education. Following this purpose, we conducted interviews with teachers in different cities of Turkey to collect their experience and questions about distance learning. After that, we interviewed civil society members who work with children and hosted them on podcast episodes to listen to their solutions to this process's problems. We created Podcasts, opened a Twitter and Medium blog account, and done a Webinar during the project. By bringing civil society members and teachers together, Online Childhood becomes a juxtaposition space for different actors who would like to support children's well-being and protect children's rights during distance learning. Herewith, we wanted to have an impact on every actor that has contact with children. By bringing civil society and teachers together, we aim to constitute an alternative public sphere because the Turkish education system is monopolized under the Ministry of National Education. With this new public sphere, civil society and teachers can enrich alternative solutions for digital education; they can meet in this platform to empower the civil society's sources in Turkey.
Further information
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/66Ugox7HGdZlQpbVy2QDAM?si=XgSoS21pST-8HyHi-k7OAw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cevrimicicocuk1
Medium: https://medium.com/@cevrimicicocukluk
Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nz6-A20G41o