The Reboot Social Media Lab at the TUM Think Tank will be hosting a workshop series for students between age 14 and 19 as part of the Transatlantic Innovation Week 2023 – “Creativity Unbound”.
“Innovate the Future - Explore the Media of Tomorrow”
We will host eight interactive workshops split between two days where students between age 14 and 19 can try out innovative technologies such as augmented / virtual reality or chatGPT, discuss with peers the ethical implications of AI, or can play a part in reimagining how social media and the future of the Metaverse.
More details about the specific workshops being offered here.
Age 14 is the minimum age to participate in the workshops. Students from all school types are welcome.
Please note that two workshops – on “Connected Algorithmic Learning” and “ChatGPT and Generative AI Adventure” – taking place on Thursday 27th are girls only being part of the German wide “Girls’ Day”.
There are two ways to participate:
1. Full classes accompanied by their teacher(s) can register via tumthinktank(at) Please provide the following information: Number of students, age range, number of female students, school information and contact details of one accompanying teacher.
2. Individual students might sign up on their own terms via tumthinktank(at) Please provide the following information: Name, age, school information, own contact details.
Important: As workshops might be filled quickly, we cannot guarantee a slot in the preferred workshop. If you want, you can indicate several workshops via first, second, or third choice. E.g., 1. Speculative Metaverse, 2. AI Ethics, 3. InstaClone.
Participation in the workshops is free of charge; travel must be paid for by the participants.
Registration deadline
If you are interested in participating, please register by April 20th 2023 – at latest.
Feel free to reach out to the local organizers via tumthinktank(at)