
New publication: How is political representation produced?

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Dr. Hagen Schölzel and Dr. Jan-Peter Voß (RWTH Aachen) have published a book together called „Die Fabrikation von Demokratie. Baustellen performativer politischer Repräsentation“.

In ten contributions, the volume opens up a field of investigation in praxeological democracy research and theory. Instead of starting from certain theoretical conceptions of what democracy is or should be, it is examined how democracy is put into practice. How is the “demos” made into the subject of governance, as a political actor with collective will and power to act? The book takes the approach of looking for concrete practical forms in which representations of the will of collective subjects are produced and asserted. This reveals a look at the multiplicity and dynamics of democracy. The book was published in the series “Politologische Aufklärung - konstruktivistische Perspektiven” by Springer VS Verlag.

About the book on the publisher's website: